Oh the Good Lord…!

The US government has adopted “In God We Trust” as the official motto since 1956. The great seal of the United States also carries these words. The Muslims say, Insha Allah, God Willing. The Hindus invoke the elephant deity Ganesh before beginning a venture. The Pakistan TV begins its news telecast with the words, “Bismillah Rehman-e-Rahim.” The Muslims and Americans in general abhor communism, which invokes the three deities: Marx, Engels and Stalin (at least they did when I was growing up) who are all inimical to religion.

Hinduism also believes in the trinity, Brahma, Vishnu Mahesh. However, in India invoking religion in matters of government is not done. India likes to present itself as a secular, Hindu majority nation. There are countries in the world that are theocratic states. India, God Willing is, thus far, not a state that invokes the majoritarian religion.

There are some people, in the US, who from such exalted “ramparts” as the Presidential primaries want to banish the Muslims from their land. Would their god forgive them if they banish people because of their faith? The Americans and French fought the British colonialists on the slogan of liberty, equality and fraternity. Nevertheless, in America slavery was abolished quite late, America got independence in 1776, slavery was officially abolished on January 31 1865. By the 13th Amendment to the US constitution. Slavery, however, could not be abolished from the minds of some people. Racism continues in the minds of many lighter colored humans in America.

Racism exists in India, where the darker skinned people from the African continent are treated like they are less than human. The people from the north-east of India are treated as if they are some aliens from another planet. Dalits are treated even worse. They are expected the clean the excrement of the upper castes.Oh where then is your God when you treat his creatures in such fashion.

To all those who invoke god, and treat His creation in such degrading fashion: when you speak of human rights abuse, are you able to look at yourselves in he mirror!

Author: planethour

Have had an interest in international and national issues arising out of governance or lack of it. I have lived through a time when Pol Pot ruled Cambodia, Idi Amin ruled Uganda. Shah of Iran was toppled in Iran, Afghanistan was ruled by Soviet puppet, Yogoslavia was split up in a bloody war. I also lived through the era when Lebanon became a byword for armed conflict, a civil war. India split up Pakistan. I have lived through all the wars with our neighbors. I expected the new milleniun to usher in Peace, but it is not to be.

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